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The Interaction of Astrology with Scientific Discipline. What are they?

So much has told, written and argued about the interaction of astrology with science. My main aim to write this article is to highlight the various scientific aspects of this mysterious and very important subject called astrology. Astrology is basically the study of the positions and movements of stars, planets and other solar activities have supposed influenced on human affairs and events. Horoscope is astrologer’s foretelling about person’s life according to the position of stars and planets. Astrology tells us about strength, weakness, fears, opportunities so that we can plan and lead our life in most discipline way. Some people read Horoscope only for the entertainment purpose as a topic of conversation but some people connects horoscope with scientific prospect with astrological prediction to better understand human behavior. People make important life decisions like business, education, marriage, career, house etc based on astrological predictions. Those who believe in God or ‘ Spirit of some kind ‘ are more likely to find astrology is scientifically credible.

The strongest point that proves Interaction of astrology with science is that the revolving planets causes Solar activities and which activities causes Geomagnetism(study of dynamics of the Earth's magnetic field) which influences all Biological organisms and creators including human beings. Solar activities are caused by alignment of planet, so planet plays an important role in development of human brain and body. Scientist found traces of magnetic compound in human brain. The magnetic field of Earth changes regularly, which affects the magnetic compound in human brain.

In astrology each planet is responsible for certain characteristics. They set rules about relative positions and movements of heavenly bodies to generate predictions for events on Earth and human traits. For example in Roman mathelogy Mars is known as “Roman God of War”- Mangal. It is also proved that great sport players have Mars influencing in their birth chart or astrology predict that the person who born just after spring is particularly likely to become an entrepreneur. Similarly, Houses (Planet) in every kundali is responsible for all the happening in human life. The forecasting of person’s future is known as Horoscope. According to science horoscope is nothing but the “Placebo effect”. Placebo effect is trigged by the person’s belief in the benefit from something and their expectation of felling better. Placebo effect is scientifically proven. The twelve signs given in Horoscope map are known as the “zodiac signs”. Due to gravitational influence of planets on the magnetic field of the Sun, the perturbations created in the sun and the planets produce variations in the Solar wind which reaches the earth and continuously affects the time of birth. The influence of each planet in tune with already expressed genetic chareacteristics influencing the child birth and further when it grows. The scientific explanation is that Sun amplifies the gravitational effects on the planets in the form of magnetic field variation which in transmitted to the earth, and affect the human beings.

Astrology is a divine science. The Mumbai High Court has accepted that astrology is science and astrology intracted with science discipline. Many scientist denied to call astrology as science but 4000 years back it came into existence through great astrologers with no modern technologies and equipment but by only naked eyes and bear hands they calculate and studies about Planets without any telescope, Binoculars etc. they studied their calculations and characters, their movement and effects on Human beings. The prediction about Solar System, Lunar Eclipses where continued from that time. They predict high-low tide in the sea. They predict natural cilamites and many more. How was this possible? This is possible only because they had blessed with wisdom and ability to create this scientific subject called Astrology for the welfare of human beings. There are many reasonable and logical theories and researches by famous Astrologers and scientist which proved the Interaction between astrology and science. Let’s take one more example that Sun, Moon, Stars and Planets all influence us and our Earth. All you know about tides occurs only in Sea or Ocean, no tides in Lakes, Ponds, Rivers but only in Sea or Ocean why? The answer is simple because Sea or Ocean water has contain high amount of Salt i.e. Sodium Chloride and other water have so salt. This all happened because of Moon. The Moon’s gravitational pull generate something, known as tidal force. The Moon’s gravitational force pull the water from the Ocean and Sea which causes high-low tides. The small very small not even a planet, called Moon can influencing and causing High or low tides from 240000 miles away. This all related to Astrology as well as science.

Astrology is not only scientific but also mathematical study which calculates from the charts. The birth chart has 12 houses and each house has its own influence and effect. The significance of these houses helps to understand the situations of human life. The calculation of this birth charts are done by calculating the nine position in each houses at the time of birth and give results accordingly. There are many other area such as Nakshatra, Mahadasha and many other. So the conclusion of this article is that Astrology uses the scientific knowledge about heavenly bodies and Solar system to generate expectations. The Astrology consists the number of belief systems that hold the relation between science and astronomical phenomena and theories which is based on human world. Astrology is not only scientific but also mathematical study which calculates from the charts. The birth chart has 12 houses and each house has its own influence and effect. The significance of these houses helps to understand the situations of human life. The calculation of this birth charts are done by calculating the nine position in each houses at the time of birth and give results accordingly. There are many other area such as Nakshatra, Mahadasha and many other. So the conclusion of this article is that Astrology uses the scientific knowledge about heavenly bodies and Solar system to generate expectations. The Astrology consists the number of belief systems that hold the relation between science and astronomical phenomena and theories which is based on human world.

“Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it”

Albert Einstein

Author - Apara mehta



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